June 12, 2014

How to add Facebook 'Like' button in Android app?

Official Facebook SDK does not provide implementation of theirs plugin 'Like' for Android. There is just html-plugin designed for web-sites and applications. Let's try to adapt this plugin for Android!

June 07, 2014

Android FontIcon library available from Maven Central

The latest version of FontIcon library for Android is available from Maven Central repository. It's easy to include it in project:


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'com.shamanland:fonticon:0.1.6'


Android Dashboards - June, 4th

This month Honeycomb devices are disappeared from official statistics about Android devices. There are three stable groups of API versions:
  • Gingerbread (API 10) - 15%
  • Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean (API 15-18) - 70%
  • KitKat (API 19) - 14%
Check details in this public spreadsheet.